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Alameda Meals On Wheels is completely funded by the generous contributions of others. We receive no government funding and depend solely on donations from private citizens, businesses, service clubs, and organizations. These contributions help those AMOW recipients who are unable to fully pay for their meals.

We are truly thankful for ALL donations, large or small. Anonymous gifts are gratefully accepted.

Your donations are tax deductible. AMOW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization - Tax ID #94-2299811.  

*Your donation of $50 delivers a daily meal for a week to a recipient!

*Your donation of $100 delivers a daily meal for 2 weeks to a recipient!

*Your donation of $200 delivers a daily meal for a month to a recipient!

Your Donations can be sent to:

Alameda Meals On Wheels

P.O. Box 2534
Alameda, CA 94501

Honor a friend with a contribution to AMOW or make a contribution in memory of a friend. We will gladly send an acknowledgement card for all donations made to individuals as birthday, anniversary, or retirement gifts. AMOW also gratefully accepts your planned giving through wills or estate plans.

AMOW is also a participant in the Leave A Legacy campaign. Learn more about this initiative.

If you have a car that is no longer in use, donating it is a great way to support Alameda Meals On Wheels. Just fill out the online donation form and Vehicles for Charity will arrange a pick up time with you. Questions or want to donate by phone, please call 1-800-574-0888 and say "I'd like to donate my car to Alameda Meals On Wheels."