The Alameda Meals on Wheels program has enjoyed its longevity because of the incredible spirit of volunteerism shown by our meal delivery corps! Meals are delivered to our recipients every day, seven days a week (holidays included), by cheerful and caring volunteers who demonstrate the concern and dedication of our unique community. We have approximately 160 delivery volunteers that include seniors and juniors, men and women, singles and couples, and moms, dads and children.
You can help AMOW and its recipients by delivering meals. Volunteers are needed for both weekdays and weekends, and meals are delivered in the morning usually starting around 9:00 AM and can take an hour or so. Give us a call today at 510.865.6131 to sign up!
Additional volunteer opportunities also arise from time to time including administrative tasks and help with AMOW functions. AMOW also welcomes student volunteers! Whether it is to fulfill community service hours at school, or just to accompany Mom or Dad, many recipients are even more delighted when their meal is accompanied by a hello from a younger face.
If you find you are unable to volunteer at this time, but would still like to help, you may make a donation